Marilyn Manson
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Spells & Magic
Puzuzu Things
Spells, white magic, ceremonial magic, incantations, candle magic, black magic, conjuration's, and invocations. It's all here to help you through life. If you believe in the power of Magic your dreams can
come true. So be it! We all have needs in life and Magic can help
fulfill those needs. Whether it be power, money, fame, revenge, love or
hate... the universe can be bent to our will and it can all be achieved with
spells and magic. Remember these things are not granted to those who
Dabble and pretend to be that which they are not. Those of you whom
"Dabble" will pay the Piper.
Welcome everyone to my Spells page. For those who are not yet experienced in the art of casting spells, a word of warning... These pages contain Black, White, and Grey magic. the Black magic is put here for educational purposes. Those who wish to practice Black Magic must understand the laws of the universe... What goes around comes around! If you send evil out, it will eventually come knocking back at your door.
Yes there is Grey Magic! Grey magic is White Magic turned Black . Let's say you do a spell to obtain money, but then a week later your mother dies and leaves you some money. What started out to be white magic was actually grey magic which then turned to black magic. You see grey magic is magic that can turn white or black. That is why you should always do a divination with the Tarot cards or what ever method you prefer to find out the outcome of your workings before you do them! This way you will be sure to harm none in your spell castings. Even if you meant no harm, yet someone was harmed, you will have to except the Karmic responsibility! Once again... What goes around comes around! Here we go my friends...
Black Magic
Curse ******* There has been unfairness done to me
I summon the elements
I envoke them
I conjure them to do my bidding
The four watchtowers whall lay their eyes and minds
there shall be fear and guilt and bad blood
there shall be submission and no pity
I point the threefold law against thee
against thee it shall be pointed
threefold, a hundred fold is the cost for my anger and pain
Thee shall be blinded by the fear
blinded by the pain
blinded by me
binded by me
Cursed by me
So mote it be!
This curse shall be layed upon the victim while burning am image of the
victim (wax sigil, photograph, drawing, anything) in the flame of a
consecrated black candle.
Binding by Fear Ritual
This is the image of my would be victim
it I hang from a single thread
in a place no one shall see
it will bring fear in the heart of him who shall harm me
it will bring fear in the heart of him who would harm me
He will be binded by fear from harming me further
he will be binded by fear from harming me at all
I will tie a knot in the thread when I wish to secure the fear
until I break it
so mote it be
Hex to bring... "Discord and Darkness"!
Here is a great Hex to bring total chaos to your enemies or someone you hate. Perfect for someone who has done you wrong in a bad way.
You will need a piece of thick string or yarn about 9 or 10 inches long. You will tie 3 separate knots a couple inches apart as you recite the following...
"With this knot I seal this hex
you will not sleep, you will not rest
Knots of anger, knots of hate
Discord brings you to your fate
I tie this second knot makes two
Bringing darkness over you
Slander, discord, evil too
Bringing darkness straight to you
With this third knot, I do bind
Weaving chaos in your mind
Hex of anger, hex of hate
Bring him down, I will not wait"
So mote it be!
As you do this spell be thinking of all the chaos that it is going to bring to your enemy and make sure you are worked up into a rage before doing the spell. This will make it all the more effective! When you are done see if you can hide this string (with the knots now tied) around you enemies home! This will make it more potent! If not then save it in a special place until you decide to untie the knots and give your enemy a second chance.
Lucifer's Touch...
A Powerful Evil Hex!
Light 3 black candles at midnight and repeat the following three times. If you have a bell you should ring it three times at the beginning of this ritual...
I call to the mighty bringer of light, Lucifer...
"Spirits of the abyss, here my call
all most powerful one and all
Lucifer my thoughts do sing
through the universe they now ring
Take thine enemy, take him smite
Break him, scorn him in the night
From the mighty depths of hell
cast your darkness on his shell
Oh Lucifer, oh shinning star
Touch him, burn him from afar
Revenge now will have its day
for thine enemy starts to fray"
So mote it be!
During the time spent doing this hex, you should be worked up into a frenzy of anger and thinking of the darkness about to descend upon your enemy. When you are done, extinguish the candles.
Bones of Anger... Hex
Gather bones of chickens and dry them in the sun for a few days. Then when you are ready to do this hex make sure you are worked up into a frenzy of anger and hatred. This will add to the potency of your hex! Be thinking of all this while doing this hex and when it says 'With these bones I now do crush" take a hammer or use your feet to stomp and crush these bones as if they were your enemy before you! When you are done sweep them up and place them in a bag. You will then want to sprinkle the dust and remains of the bones on your enemies property around his house.
If you have a bell ring it 3 times and say...
I call upon the Ancient Ones from the great abyss to do my bidding
I invoke Cuthalu, God of Anger and the creatures of the underworld
hear me now...
"Bones of anger, bones to dust
full of fury, revenge is just
I scatter these bones, these bones of rage
take thine enemy, bring him pain
I see thine enemy before me now
I bind him, crush him, bring him down
With these bones I now do crush
Make thine enemy turn to dust
torment, fire, out of control
With this hex I curse your soul"
So mote it be!
***Warning:This can be a Deadly Hex! If you so choose to do it, be forewarned that you may indeed seriously harm this person and you are responsible for the Karma! You may want to do one of the less damaging hexes.The choice is yours.*****
3 Nights of Hell.. Candle Spell
This spell will inflict serious pain and sores on thine enemy for a period of 3 strange days. After which the spell is lifted he is made well again.Take a black candle
and place a picture of thine enemy in front of you and tilt the candle so the wax drips upon the would be victim in the picture. Visualize the wax burning sores into the body of thine enemy. While doing so, recite the following 3 times...
"As I do this candle spell
Bring thine enemy 3 nights of hell
Candle black, black as night
Bring him pains of flesh tonight!
lesions on his skin will grow
Afflict him with a painful blow
Sores and pain afflict him now
for 3 nights he'll wonder how
Dukes of darkness, Kings of hell
Smite thine enemy, bring him hell
when 3 nights of pain have past
Make him well, well at last".
After sitting and thinking about the sores that will infflict your enemy and the pain he will suffer you may then extinguish the candle. When 3 nights have past tear up the photo and say the following...
"When 3 nights of pain endured, I lift this curse rest assured
Darkness leave him, go away, the curse is lifted now, today!"
Marriage to Hell Hex...
This hex is for those who wish to break up a marriage by causing extreme chaos in the victims relationship. This will bring about the most chaotic vibrations in their household of Hell to be. For Hell is exactly what you will be bringing them. This will bring each of them to a boiling point where they would be tempted to kill one another. This hex is not for those who just want to break up a couple. For that you can use one of my other less harming spells. This is for someone you really hate with a passion... someone who you wish to see suffer intensely with the end result being a broken heart and broken mind for them. A total collapse of their little white picket fence dream. An end to their happy little world of love and harmony. If you truly have the evil seed, this spells for you to cast indeed.
You will need four black candles for this hex, a picture of the intended victim and some anointing oil. You only need a picture of one person whose marriage you wish to dissolve. If you have a picture that contains the couple together, that is fine but you will focus mainly on one of the two. You will also need a red marker, a hammer, two nails and a block of wood that is around 1’x1’ square.
First you will want to anoint the candles with the oil and while doing so thinking of the all the chaos this hex will be causing. Visualizing in your mind the victims mental hell they will be going through and visualize them fighting with words of extreme hate and violence. Visualize them finally splitting up and divorcing. Visualize this divorce being bitter to the end!
Part 1.
Place the picture of the victim to be on the block of wood. With the red marker, draw a red heart on the forehead and on the chest of the victim in the picture. Take your hammer and drive the nail into the heart drawn on the head of the victim on the picture. While doing so, say the following words...
“With this nail I stab your heart
soon your love so near will part.â€Â
Take your hammer and drive the nail into the heart drawn on the chest of the victim on the picture. While doing so, say the following words...
“With this nail I stab your mind
insanity you now shall find.â€Â
Part 2.
Place the black candles on four points around the picture of the victim. Place them North, South, East and West. During all this you should be facing East. Light all four candles and meditate on the hex once again. Allow for the black wax from the candle to drip down onto the picture. Thus symbolizing him being surrounded by darkness, negativity and chaos. Then when you are ready, recite the following words with the utmost sincerity...
“Lords of Darkness, Lords of Night
bring this hex now to flight.
take this man I see before me now
speed up his karma, bring him down.
take his marriage and break it apart
bring it chaos and hate, now to start.
tear their love to shreds so fine
what was is gone, now is the time.
no longer shall they be together
his close nit family shall now be severed.
when together they start to smother
each doest want to kill the other.
no longer shall ye be as one
your marriage is over
what’s done is done!
Lords of Darkness, Lords of Night
bring this hex now to flight.â€Â
So it be!
Remember that the word his may be changed to her and so forth. When you are done, extinguish the candles and leave everything set up as it is and you may repeat the second part of the spell for three nights, starting with lighting the candles, meditating, and reciting the incantation. At the end of three nights you may want to leave everything still set up for awhile to keep that vibration going out there to do its work. Then when you feel it is time... you may dispose of everything. If you are like me, you will even make throwing it in the trash a ritual. What I mean is I will think of throwing it into the trash as symbolizing the victims life of happiness going to the trash to be gone forever!
Vanity Insanity A Curse for the Vain...
Here is a curse for someone who is extremely vain. This will bring them insanity from their own vanity. It shall make them crazy in their own mind thinking they are ugly and no longer pretty to the world. Sometimes we come across people in our lives that we cannot stand because these people are so vein and they think that they are better than you just because they were blessed with extremely good looks. Its one thing if they are good looking but it is another thing if they go around acting like they know it. If you are like me, then it is time to knock them off their high horse. I personally hate people like this and would like nothing better than for these people to wake up in the morning and look in the mirror saying... I look like crap... I hate myself and my looks! Oh my, this is a great spell and there are so many people deserving of it.
Take hair and nail clippings and a picture of the one you wish to punish. Take the picture and write the words “Beauty and Charm†on it with a black magic marker. Place all this in your cauldron and set it on fire. You will want to do this outside so in order to protect you from carbon monoxide poisoning and or burning your house down. As the fire starts to burn, read the following incantation...
“(Persons name) whom I now see
you’ll go insane from vanity.
You’ll see yourself as others do
all your looks are gone from you.
What was is gone and now is true
all your beauty will flee from you.
You look in the mirror, yourself to tend
your youthful face has come to an end.
Your mighty ego now is broken
you’ll go insane in that same token.
I take this all away from you
because of all the things you do.
Once you thought you were so great
I bring you down to meet your fate.
The smell of stench is in the air
around you now, you’ll lose your hair
In your mind you’ll go insane
vanity is now your pain.â€Â
“I accept this now manifesting by the powers of the Deities that rule the Darkest of the abyss...Lucifer, Belzebut and Astarot. Aid me in my endeavors and carry out my wishes. So be it!â€Â
Take the ashes and place them in a small bag or container. The reason you want to save every bit of this is so that you can place the ashes around your victims house. If you are someone who does go in this persons house that will be all the better for you can sprinkle them around the inside of the house in different places.
After you have read the incantation will want to sit and meditate on the curse and visualize all these things happening to the victim of your choosing.
When you are done meditating for a few minutes, make sure the fire is completely out and return to your nightly affairs.
White/Grey Magic
Getting Over Someone...
you will need:
1 red candle for strength
2 white candle for healing
a piece of paper with the persons name written on it
Now you begin by placing the s white candles left and right from the red
then u light the red candle, left white, then right white candle
while you are chanting these words;
I burn thy name so it shall be
cast out of my memory
(name of person) your name is as cold as ice
to get over you would be nice
this spell works best midnight during a full moon.
Wishing Spell...
Hold a "Lucky Charm" (not the cereal) and light a candle and chant three times
"This simple wish is mine to cast,
a magic spell to make it last,
I close my eyes a little shiver,
this wish for me now please deliver.
While thinking of your wish when you have finished drop the charm and blow the candle out.
Healing Spell...
You Need:
Powdered cinnamon
Green ribbon
A glass jar or other container with a lid
Various small objects- preferably green, silver or white
(such as paper, dried leaves, beads, pieces of smooth
glass and colored wood)
Green or silver glitter.
1. Cast a circle as normal, calling the quarters and
erecting a barrier of energy.
2. Consecrate all the items which you are going to use,
then lay them out on your altar (or if you are outside, a
3. Sprinkle the cinnamon over all the objects and say:
‘Herb for healing,
Herb for hope
Herb for strength
herb help me cope’
‘I call on thee, spirits of water, earth, fire and air, to aid me in this
4. Bind the Green ribbon around the jar three times
‘Thrice I bind thee, and so with nine calls, you will heal.’
5. Put all the small objects and the glitter into the jar ,
screw on the lid and shake it nine times
‘Power of healing, I command you, heal (name of
person) from all sickness!’
6. Thank the elements, and the guardians of the
watchtowers, and take down the circle.
7. When you have finished, then keep the jar in a safe
place, and every time you need the power of healing,
then take it out and shake it nine times, saying the
following over and over:
‘(name of person) be well, (name) be free of sickness’
Stop the Rain Spell...
This is a spell to stop rain from coming to a town right before it falls. When it starts getting dark, chant this with lots of feeling:
"Gods of power, Gods of might,
I bid you now, stop this plight,
Stop the rain, we need no more,
Let it fall, nevermore."
Put allot of feeling in stopping rain from falling from the clouds and it will not fall, it will simply move to a area away from where you
are and then fall. I use this all the time when i am mowing the lawn and its about to rain, then i cast this and finish the lawn.
Lost and Found Spell...
What you need is a picture or an item that may represent what you have lost; 7 green candles and a gold or silver colored incense
at a noon hour, chant this 3 times:
"Guiding spirits I ask your charity, lend me your focus and your clarity.
Lead me to what I need to find restore that and my peace of mind. So shall it be!"
Wait for the candles to burn out then the spell will start to work.
To Soften a Heart...
The following is a spell that is also likely to be used by teens. This spell soften the heart of the person that is cast on. May be a teacher or a parent or a boss!
Red Pen
Blue Pen
10 cm x 10 cm paper
green leaves
Write name of person to soften in paper, in capital letters, using blue pen and cross it with a pentacle
On the other side of the paper write the following words using a red pen and encircle them with a heart:
Place the leaves on the side with the heart and fold paper four times. Don't let the leaves fall. Place paper on your heart, say:
MAY THIS GIFTS FILL YOUR HEART (name of person to soften)
Keep paper near heart for the rest of the day. In the night place paper in a park or your garden.
Charmed Candy Spell...
Created by: Sir Summer ShiningStar
Given to: the Great Puzuzu
You will need: a handful of candy; a white or orange candle
What to do: Light the candle, and put the candies in a pile. Make a triangle with your index finger and thumb of both hands, and them in a deosil (clockwise) direction over the candies while chanting:
Charmed are these candy treats
Good fortune to all I merry meet!
Then give out the candies to friends and family and three people you don't know.
Spell to get what you want...
To get what you want ..... Take a horse shoe and put it around a red candle . put the
candle in a darkened room in the middle of a table . Write what it is you want on a
piece of paper with a quill pen dipped in black ink . chat the following as you write .
What I want I write here . Please take my dream and bring it near . What I want Is What
I should get . Let all my dreams Now be met . now take the paper and fold it in a
square of four creases . hold it over the candle with a pair of tweezers and let it burn .
Picture yourself with your wish fulfilled as you burn the paper send waves of love at
the image you conjure of your self ..... ONLY ONE CATCH TO THIS SPELL.....
Luck Spell....
just say this words when the moon is full:
"Lady of luck come out of your hiden course
bless your light upon me as the light of the moon shines above
and in the light of luck will be blessed i, when the moon is next to be full."
To Obtain Money...- from Celtic Magic by D. J. Conway
Done During the Full Moon...
Fill your cauldron half full of water and drop a silver coin into it. Position the cauldron so that the light from the moon shines into the water. Gently sweep your
hands just above the surface, symbolically gathering the Moon's silver.
While doing this say...
"Lovely Lady of the Moon, bring to me your
wealth right soon. Fill my hands with silver
and gold. All you give, my purse can hold."
Repeat this three times. When finished, pour the water upon the earth.
Money, Money Spell...
This spell I made my own version... and it works quite well!
This may be done at any time, but preferably at the same time each day or night.
You will need a Green Candle and a White Candle. The Green candle represents the money, and the white candle represents you. Make sure you annoint the candles with oil first, thinking of your desire for money to come to you. Set the candles on your alter or table 9 inches apart. After doing this say...
"Money, money come to me
In abundance three times three
May I be enriched in the best of ways
Harming none on its way
This I accept, so mote it be
Bring me money three times three!"
Repeat this for nine days. Each day move the white candle one inch closer to the green candle. When the candles touch, your spell is finished. Make sure you visualize the money pouring in from the universe.
Coltsfoot Wealth Spell...
For wealth and prosperity for a year,
take the husk from an ear of corn and put
a dollar bill along with a note written on parchment,
"Oh, dear god of luck,
money is like muck,
not good except it be spread.
Spread some here at--------------(write in your address).
Thanks be to thee. Amen."
Sign your name.
Sprinkle the dollar bill and note with coltsfoot leaves.
Roll the husk up and tie together with green string or ribbon.
Hang the token up above the entryway with green cord.
That husk should bring riches into your home or business by the bushel.
Scullcap Money Spell...
To inspire others to give you money, place some Scullcap in a small saucer
and moisten it with Money Mist, or Money Drawing Oil. Get a ball of green cord or yarn and wind it around your "nest egg" of Scullcap and oil, winding until the herb is completely covered and secure.
Tie the cord so that the ball will not unwind and hang above the doorway.
All those who enter will become possessed with an unreasoning desire to bring gifts
and money to your home. Anoint the ball every seventh day with a few drops of the
oil to preserve it's powers.
Money Spell with Smartweed...
To find money, one should make a conjure bag containing a magnetic horseshoe,
and a lodestone to attract and draw wealth to you, and some smartweed
to enable you to see how to capture it and hold it without being led astray
by unprofitable distractions or foolish delays. Feed your money bag
with a sprinkle of Gold Magnetic Sand every third day
until you find the amount you need..
Lavender Money Spell...
A lucky money spell is made by placing in a conjure bag seven pieces of money,
each different, such as a penny, nickel, dime, quarter, a half dollar, $1.00 bill,
and .00 bill, all of which are sprinkled liberally with lavender.
Take the bag with you for seven days and your money should multiply seven times(this would give you .46 above your original investment) or, in some instances if the gods are smiling in your direction, seven times seven! This would result in a tidy sum of .50 and seems well worth trying for!
Luck Hand Root Money Spell...
To get and hold a job, always carry a lucky hand root on your person. Use Lucky Nine Oil on your wrists each day for nine days, and burn some John the Conqueror Incense each night. These roots bring luck in all undertakings and no conjure bag would be considered complete without one. The hands are usually imperfect, but this does not affect their value as a talisman. The ones which are formed so that all five fingers are distiguishable are very rare and therefore extremely expensive.
Yellow Dock Money Spell...
Brew a tea with a spoonful of this herb to a cup of water, strain,
and use to wash door knobs at your place of business to draw customers,
or at home to attract good fortune.
A Quick Money Spell...
This spell requires good visualization. Take a green candle and anoint it with cinnamon oil. Take the bill or write on a piece of paper the amount of a bill you owe and who it is to. You will need a candle that can burn for 7 days. Place the paper under the candle. Hold your hands over the candle and say...
"This candle burns to light the way
for the money I need to pay this bill
in a way that harms no one."
Light the candle and burn patchouli incense. Meditate for about 5 minutes as the candle burns. Visualize yourself writing the check or purchasing the money order for this bill and putting it in the mail. Burn the candle every day around the same
time for 7 days and 15 minutes at a time. Also, burn patchouli incense every day
too with the candle. On the last day, burn the paper with the flame from the candle
and let the candle burn completely out.
Prosperty Ritual...
poppet made out of green cloth, leave the head open
chamomile for money
rosemary for luck
basil for success
needle and thread
Directional elementals (earth, incense for air, fire, water)
Altar Devotion
Casting the Circle
As you walk around the circle three times, imagine a green,
soothing mist trailing from your fingers, enveloping you and enclosing your magick
"I conjure the magick circle I am safe within the Goddess' womb
A sacred place, a world apart
Where enchantment births and magick starts
With Air and Fire, Water and Earth
I circle round the Mother's girth
This circle is sealed"
Drawing Down the Moon
Stand holding your athame, legs slightly apart, arms at your side.
Breathe deeply. Raise the athame to your lips, holding it with both hands,
and then point it toward the moon. Feel the energy of the moon move through the
athame,down your arms and into your whole being.
Invocation to the Goddess
"Wondrous Lady of the Moon
Mistress of all magick and protectress of all Wicca
Life-giving mother
I greet you at the waxing of the moon's power
I invite you to attend my Full Moon rite"
Invocation to the God
"Radiant King of the Heavens
Master of beasts wild and free
Horned stag
I greet you at the waxing of the moon's power
I invite you to attend my Full Moon rite"
Meditation and Chant to the Goddess
Sit with your spine straight, legs crossed, hands in your lap.
Close your eyes and visualize the Goddess, however she appears to you.
Feel her arms around you in a protective embrace.
When you have the vision firmly planted, begin chanting softly:
"Starry Goddess, Full of Light
I honor you this Full Moon Night"
Repeat, feeling your energy grow.
This energy will be used during the following spellworking.
Cleanse and consecrate poppet for workings of magick.
Stuff it with the herbs. Sew the opening closed.
"Goddess of Opportunity
Bring good things in life to me
I'll be alert to all you send
Goddess be my helpful friend"
Repeat 3 times, envisioning the opportunities you wish to come to you.
Reverse Lunar Draw
Raise the athame to the moon, then bring it to your lips and back down to your side,
releasing the energy you built during the Drawing.
Thank the Goddess and God
Release the Circle.
Walk back around the circle, pulling the mist back into your hands.
Place the poppet in your closet, your car, your handbag or somewhere else close to
you. You can re-work this spell at the next full moon if you feel it's necessary.
To Banish Debt...
A piece of rolled parchment 2 inches wide and as long as you like.
One black pen.
One purple candle.
Oil of your choice.
Incense of your choice.
Suggested Correspondences:
Moon: Full (for more power) Dark (to banish)
Day: Monday (Family) or Saturday (banish) or Sunday (Success).
Planet: Moon (for family) Saturn (to banish) Sun (Success) or Mars (fast action)
Uranus (change)
Planetary Hour: Same as above
Astrological Placement: Moon in Aquarius (optional)
Deity: Juno (Goddess of Gold)
Elements: Air
Elemental: Sylphs
Cleanse and consecrate all supplies with the four elements (earth, air, fire, and
water). List all your debts on the parchment. Draw a banishing pentacle on the back of the parchment. Carve a banishing pentacle on the candle. Place the rolled
parchment in the candle holder then tighten candle on top. Think of banishing your
debts. Think of the feeling of happiness and relief when the debts are banished.
Light the candle. Take the candle to the East quarter and ask that the Sylphs send
your message of banishment out to the universe in a safe and protective way, and
ask that prosperity return to you in the same manner. Put the candle back on the
altar and, in your own words, ask Juno to banish the debt and replace with
prosperous energy. Allow the candle to burn completely. The paper will catch fire,
so watch what type of holder you are using (glass will break) and that the candle
holder is on a fire safe surface. As the candle burns, concentrate on banishing your
debts, your feelings of relief and happiness, and the coming prosperity.
Knot Money Spell
There are times when we are sometimes faced
with an urgent financial need. This is one spell
I do not use often, and only use when I am in a
sincere financial bind. Do not misuse the powers
that be for greediness, only to help you out in a
pinch if the need arises.
This may not work well for those of you with
short hair. I have long hair and this part of the
spell. If you have short hair or no hair, try
subsituting green thread/yarn (use natural fibre
thread/yarn, such as cotton/wool). To see if the
yarn is real wool or synthetic, burn a bit of it
on the end. If it forms a hard little nub, then
it is synthetic.
Brush/comb your hair. The strands of hair
that are on your comb/brush, is what you'll be using.
When you have at least nine or more long strands of
hair, you are ready to begin. Begin chanting the
following or similar words:
Dear Lord and Lady,
Please send money to me.
Please send money to me,
Dear Lord and Lady.
Let the money come in an innocent way,
Let harm come to none,for fulfilling
this need for which I pray.
As you chant the above, rub the stands of hair
between your palms, to form a sort of cord. Keep
chanting, while doing the following. Next, tie nine
knots onto this hair cord. The following is a sloppy
diagram to show you where to tie these knots on the
hair cord. The numbers represent where the knots
should be tied.
Tie the first knot at the furthest left side of
the hair cord, the second knot at the furthest right
side of the hair cord, the third knot in the middle
and so on.
As you tie these knots, keep chanting.
Visualize your financial need being met, through
positive ways, such as finding a stash of money
you forgot about, winning a small sum, but not
through inheritances etc(as this is destructive,
you don't want someone to die, in order for you
to meet your financial needs, which is why the
wording of the chant used is so important).
Once you have tied the nine knots in the
appropriate order, keep chanting and visualizing
debts paid in full etc. Then, either bury the
hair cord, burn it or throw it into the wind.
Then make an offering to the Lord and Lady, by
either burying an apple, pour some milk/wine into
the ground, bury a bit of tobacco etc.
As you prepare and leave your offering of
thanks, say out loud that you are thankful for
their love, assistance, help, guidence etc and be
sincere when doing so!
To inspire others to give you money, place some scullcap in
a small saucer and moisten it with money mist, or money drawing oil. Get a
ball of green cord or yarn and wind it around your "nest egg" of scullcap
and oil, binding until the herb is completely covered and secure. Tie the cord
so that the ball will not unwind and hang above the doorway. All those who
enter will become possessed with an unreasoning desire to bring gifts and
money to your home. Annoint the ball every seventh day with a few drops of
the oil to preserve it's powers.
To find money, one should make a conjure bag containing a magnetic horseshoe, and a lodestone to attract and draw wealth to you, and some smartweed to to enable you to see how to capture it and hold it
without being led astray by unprofitable distractions or foolish delays. Feed your money bag with a sprinkle of Gold magnetic sand every third day until you find the amount you need..
Money Ritual
Perform on the three nights before the full moon, the night of the
full moon, and the three nights after, using the same candles.
Ritual Bath: Use money bath salts, candlelight. Bring power through
head and feet to cleanse any negativity. Get in water and focus on goal.
(When you drain the tub, negativity will go down the drain).
Cast circle. Light altar candle, God & Goddess Candle. Invoke Gods.
Anoint green pillar candle with lodestone oil, visualizing putting
your energy for your goal into the candle. Visualize the goal as already
existent. Rub candle with cinnamon and cloves. Burn money incense
Candle rituals have been around for centuries. You may remember your first candle ritual when you were 2 years old on your birthday. The candles were lit and you were told to close your eyes, make a wish and blow out the candles. Candle spells are pretty much the same principle. You light the candles, maybe close your eyes while repeating a spell or that which you wish for and visualizing it coming true. It is a combination of the need or desire, and the ability to visualize the outcome. Candle burning spells and rituals are very easy to do and to have success with if they are done correctly and you truly believe. The different colors of candles each have their own symbolism. Here is a table of the colors and their meanings... --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
White: truth, purity
Red: love, health, sex, strength
Green: money, luck, fertility
Black: discord, evil, negativity, confusion
Brown: neutrality, uncertainty, hesitation
Pink: love, morality, honour
Purple: power, business progress, ambition
Orange: attraction, stimulation
Greenish Yellow: jealousy, anger, discord
Gray: neutrality, stalemate, negativity
Light Blue: tranquility, patience, health
Dark Blue: depression, changeability
Candle spells can be very easy or complicated. It all depends on how much time you want to put into a ritual. It can be as simple as lighting a green candle and chanting... money money come to me.
It can also be very long and complicated lasting several days with the repositioning of the candles each day. The choice is always yours.
The first thing you want to do is get the appropriate color candles for your peticular desire. Then you need to annoint the candle with oil. Olive oil will do fine. You need to rub the candle with the oil from the middle outward to the ends. As you are doing this you need to be thinking of your desired goal. Then sit and meditate on your desire after lighting the candles, then read your spell or chant your appropriate mantra.You don't need some elaborate spell with a bunch of big words or words you don't even know how to pronounce. You can make your own spells or rituals. Think of your desire then make a simple little rhyme that tells about your desire in it. It doesn't even have to rhyme. This is all about will power, the power of positive thinking, and creative visualization.
If you can do these things then you will send those vibrations out into the universe and eventualy they will materialize.