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What Is Wicca? O_o
There are many misconceptions you will hear about Wicca. This page was created for those of you who are wondering what Wicca is really about, or for Wiccans who have a hard time explaining some of the things they are asked. I hope that this will help create a better understanding of this earth-based, life-affirming religion.
Myths Exposed
MYTH: Wicca is a practice based on Satan worshipping and evil.
TRUTH: Wicca is actually a religion based on love and kindness, and respect for nature and doesn't even believe in a devil, therefore, it would be hard to worship one. Wiccans believe that to name something evil such as a devil gives it power, so they stay away from the concept of demons and devils, and believe that evil is only in the heart of a person, no one and nothing is created by nature or by Wicca for the exclusive purpose of causing harm.
MYTH: Wicca is not a religion.
TRUTH: Wicca became a legally recognized religion in the 1970's and is accepted and protected by the US Constitution. It is a Pagan religion with roots in the earliest known form of religion, Shamanism.
MYTH: Wiccans are Witches that spend their time casting spells on people and causing harm.
TRUTH: Most, but not all, Wiccans do practice Witchcraft. Witchcraft is not used in Wicca for creating harm, but for affecting positive necessary change in their lives such as healing their bodies, protecting their family and pets, and other commonplace things. Wiccans never cast a spell on or for a person without them knowing about it. Wiccans follow something called the threefold law. It's a simple concept that says everything you do good or bad will return to you times three. This is a very good reason not to do anything harmful!
MYTH: This religion is out to destroy Christianity.
TRUTH: Absolutely not! Wiccans aren't out to harm or destroy anyone or anything. All religions are equal. Wicca holds no hostility towards any other religion and is not out to convert Christians or anyone. The reason Wicca has been pushing itself into the open recently is not to recruit people, but to help people understand that Wicca is not bad or evil.
MYTH: Wiccans don't believe in God.
TRUTH: God is present in Wicca. Actually, there are both a Goddess and a God in Wicca. All gods are one, as are all goddesses. So in Wicca, Jesus, Zeus, Pan, all gods would be just a different facet of God. There are even Christian Wiccans who worship Jesus as their God and the Virgin Mary as their Goddess.
MYTH: Wiccans wear Satanic symbols, such as a pentagram and a reversed cross.
TRUTH: The sacred symbol of Wicca is the pentacle, a five point star in a circle often referred to as a pentagram. Right side up, which is how Wiccans wear it, the pentacle stands for many things. Two of the most common are earth, air, fire, water, and human spirit surrounded by the love of the Goddess and God, it also symbolizes God ruling over the earthly matters, and many other positive things. When the pentacle is reversed, that is when it becomes a Satanist symbol, symbolizing earthly matters being more important than God. Wiccans don't believe that way and do NOT wear that symbol. Neither do Wiccans wear the reversed cross which is a symbol of devil-worshipping and hatred. Wiccans do sometimes wear an equal-armed cross which symbolizes north, south, east, and west and the elements.
Q. Are Wicca and Witchcraft the same thing?
A. No. Wicca and Witchcraft are commonly thought to be the same, but in reality, Wicca is a religion whose practioners usually, but not always use Witchcraft.
Q. What is Witchcraft?
A. Witchcraft is a form of natural magick using the energies hidden in living and nonliving things for spells and rituals to affect needed change. Witchcraft is commonly thought of as being white (good), gray(equal), or black (evil), but Wicca recognizes Witchraft as just a form of magick that can used for good or bad things. (Similar to the guns don't kill people, people kill people concept). Witchcraft can be used with the intended purpose of being specifically good or bad, but as in all things, both good and bad will come out of anything you do. That is why it is extremely important to be careful and realize what harm may come out of casting a spell or using magick, because in Wicca, you must strive to never harm anyone or go against their free will. You must always keep your motives pure if using Witchcraft, because everything you do comes back to you threefold.
Q. How do spells work?
A. Spells are cast by using energies. Everything living and nonliving has an energy about it. Some items give off a particular energy, as do colors, sounds, etcetera. For example, the color white is for purity. So if you wanted to do a spell to purify your body, then you could use a white candle, dress in white, write your spell on white paper, things like that. By using white all around you, it will get your mind into a state of thought on purity. This will help prepare you for the spell. A spell is simply mind over matter. If you have a strong enough mind, you can affect the things around you. Wiccans include the Goddess and God in their spells. By asking for help from the Goddess and God it adds a little extra to what you do, the same way a prayer adds help from your deity/s to what you need. When including your deities in the process of your spell, it also gives the added affect that if it is not a good or pure spell to cast, the deities will often step in and stop it from causing harm. A spell intended for harm or control is not a good idea and will certainly come back to you, so harm no one mentaly or physically.
Q. Do Wiccans pray?
A. Yes. Most Wiccans pray at least once a day. It's very similar to Christian prayers. They ask for the Goddess and God to help them be postitive and kind to others and help them through their day, things like that. Most Wiccans pray by looking towards the sky with their eyes closed and holding their palms face up as though inviting the Goddess and God to them, but not all pray in the same postion.
Q. Why do Wiccans worship a Goddess?
A. Goddess worship is nothing new. The ancient Greeks also worshipped goddesses. Wicca sees that everything has both a male and a female aspect. By this logic, so should deities. Only worshipping a male or only a female god seems that it would be one-sided as nothing in nature is only male or only female.
Q. Why does Wicca have a God but not a devil?
A. There are a couple reasons for this. Like was said in the above section, to name something evil is to give it power. It's like how little kids believe in the Boogyman. This creature scares these kids quite a bit and affects them negatively by causing them to fear the dark and closets. The Boogyman may not be real, but by creating the idea of him, he has a power over these kids. Adults don't believe in him, and so we don't worry about him. It's the same way with the devil. Since Wiccans don't believe he's there, they don't believe that anyone who doesn't believe a certain way will go to Hell to face him. That is why they have no desire to convert others to their religion, because there are no bad events that happen to you simply because you don't believe in Wicca. So, why don't Wiccans believe in the devil to begin with? Just as humans and animals have both good and bad emotions and do both good and bad things, so to do the Goddess and God. No one is good all the time, neither is the Goddess and God, but they don't do things to be mean. When they take someone's life, it's not out of cruelty, but out of neccesity. They have no demon that walks around tempting people to do bad things, people do it themselves and the punishment isn't Hell, it's karma. What you do will come back to you.
Q. So, if nothing bad happens to you from not being Wiccan, why be Wiccan?
A. Wicca is a religion where people are free to choose how they want to worship. There is no pressure to be Wiccan or to believe or practice in a certain way, that is one of the things that makes Wicca so appealing to so many. It is also a religion that stems from the earliest religions back when people still had a strong connection to the Earth and magick. In modern society as technology and the destruction of the Earth increases, Wicca is a form of reconnecting with Mother Nature and our ancestors. For some, it's a religion and a way of life that seems to make the most sense for who they are. Wiccans believe that all religions are positive things if the practioner truly believes in it. No matter what religion you choose to be, make sure it speaks to you and helps you in your day to day life. Wiccans don't believe that Wicca is the only way, it's just their way. Whatever happens in the end, if we are all good people, the name of the religion we practice doesn't matter, because every religion is the right religion to the person that practices it.
Well, I hope this helps to shed some light on Wicca. Please, understand that Wiccans are not out to hurt or convert anyone, we just want to be understood. Thanks for reading,